Bookseller Catalogs

The Bart Auerbach Collection

By Riverrun Books & Manuscripts

The Bart Auerbach Collection 500 items: fine literature, dedication copies, and books and letters relating to the book trade.

How to request a print version: Please email us to request the printed catalogue.

Catalog 73: Holiday 2022, Children’s Books

By E.M. Maurice Books

Catalog 73: Holiday 2022, Children’s Books In reality, I would love to wait to release my holiday catalog until after Halloween, but I'm bowing to the whims of commerce at large and getting it out there well in advance. Inside, I hope you will find something that amuses and delights, or possibly astounds and excites. At the very least, something to fill that empty spot on your shelf.

A few highlights include the rare ABC, "Rummical Rhymes" from 1864. Two unused Cecil Aldin paint books. A signed limited edition of Walter de la Mare's "Crossings: A Fairy Play." Dorothy Lathrop's "Lost Merry-Go-Round" in dust jacket. Lois Lenski's Newbery Award winner, "Strawberry Girl." Lothar Meggendorfer's "Look and Laugh" and much more, including other Caldecott & Newbery Award & Honor books, illustrated books, early American imprints, etc...

How to request a print version: PDFs are free to download. A limited number of print copies are available for purchase at


By Thorn Books

20022-2 Fifty or so items in all areas.: Arthurian, Children's. Fine Bindings. Literature.

How to request a print version: Catalogue available as a pdf download or a print version by contact8ng us.


By J & J Lubrano Music Antiquarians LLC

NEW ACQUISITIONS October 2022 14 items including:
- autograph musical mss. & letters of composers
- first & early editions of printed music
- rare books on music & dance
- music- & dance-related iconography: original paintings, drawings, prints, & photographs

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